Connecting Remote Payroll to Mosey

Connect Remote, as your payroll provider to Mosey for detailed compliance monitoring.

You can connect your Remote account to Mosey to unlock enhanced compliance monitoring and automation in all 50 states.

Get alerts when new requirements are detected

Certain compliance requirements depend on the number of employees in a location or other criteria. It’s easy to miss these compliance changes so Mosey monitors it for you and sends an email when it’s time to take action.

Monitor upcoming legislation

Not only do compliance requirements change as your company grows, the laws themselves change. By connecting Mosey and Remote, you can offload staying on top of upcoming legislation so there are no surprises.

Connecting your Remote account to Mosey

🔒All data is stored securely by Mosey and used exclusively for calculating compliance requirements and is not viewable by any user in your account.

Follow the steps below to connect your Remote account to Mosey and start syncing employee data.

  1. Reach out to

  2. Mosey will walk you through the rest of the steps to get you set up right.

  3. That’s it!